I’m burning burning burnt up burnt out
The air howls, an annoying buzz/whir/hum
I drove this morning through the progress through the men paving
on pavement over what was grass and trees and water now exit ramps and rows of flowers
at least they put in flowers
and walls of gray stone separate the cars that should be rushing off to work to home to play to exciting and exotic places but instead are just sitting here
in the rain in the dark wipers click-thunk click-thunk a thousand pairs of wipers on a thousand cars sitting in the rain in the dark click-thunk click-thunk click-thunk and I get up and go to work in the morning and I come home and have dinner and I get up and go to work in the morning and I come home and have dinner and I get up and go to work in the morning and I come home and have dinner and I get up and go to work in the morning and I come home and have dinner